“I will not be able to go on with doing something that does not make sense”

I finished business school back in France in August and decided that it was not worth it to start working immediately afterwards. Having only spent 4 months in India during an exchange program, I wanted to come back, and do what I was not able to do last time: get involved.

It was no easy decision to be one of the few not starting right away a corporate job, pretty scary even, it was my first time doing something “odd”, but I felt I had to do it, or I would miss a tremendous opportunity, that of being free to do whatever I wanted. Before coming to India for the first time, I would never have had the courage to take this opportunity. After seeing so many people committing themselves for others, having strong convictions, I cannot go back to France the way I was when I left.

I do not know what I will do but one thing is for sure, I will not be able to go on with doing something that does not make sense, and since my journey, a lot of things now fall into this category.

— Clément